ReEmployment Preference

What is ReEmployment Preference?

Associate Faculty with re-employment preference have preference, (priority), over Associate Faculty without re-employment preference in the assignment of classes.  To be considered for re-employment preference, REP1, an associate member must have successfully served for six semesters within a period of 5 years, (excluding summer or winter sessions).  An Associate Faculty member shall be granted re-employment preference when three consecutive evaluations indicate satisfactory performance as confirmed by the Vice-President of Instruction.  (Read Article 100 in the Contract for more details.)  Associate Faculty who have achieved REP1 can move to REP2 after 2 additional satisfactory years of service and 2 additional evaluations.  For more details, refer to Articles 100 & 108 in the WVMFT Contract.

Click on the link to view the West Valley list of Associates with REP1 & REP2:


Click on the link below to view the Mission College list of Associates with REP1 & REP2.
