2024 Contract Agreement Summary can be found here 

Final 2024 - 2027 contract coming soon

2021-2024 WVMFT Contract can be found here. 

What is our "Contract" (Collective Bargaining Agreement)? 

Our contract, also known as "Collective Bargaining Agreement" (CBA) is an agreement between our union, the West Valley-Mission Federation of Teachers, AFT 6554, and the West Valley-Mission Community College District.  This 250-page document includes articles on important work-related issues such as compensation, benefits, performance appraisals, sick leave, and grievance procedures.  The contract includes several appendixes with forms, current salary schedules, and academic calendars and other important documents.   Both the WVMFT, AFT 6554 and WVMCCD negotiate formally and once a tentative agreement is reached, the WVMFT members vote whether to ratify the agreement.  Then the WVMCCD Board of Trustees votes to approve the agreement.  Once member ratification and Board approval are completed, the new contract goes into effect.

What is the difference between my own "contract" (load sheet) and the union contract? 

Each semester you will receive a "load sheet" (sometimes referred to as your "contract") to sign.  This load sheet refers the your specific assignment.  Your union contract (CBA) refers to all other aspects of your work from compensation and benefits to performance appraisals, sick leave, and grievance procedures, among others.

For Contract Questions, please contact the Executive Board.